Bamboo Plants

Bamboo plants make a great addition to any garden! That's why we're here to show you our top deals on bamboo plants and tell you all about them below.

Artificial Plants | Buddleia Plants | Jasmine Plants | Palm Plants & Palm Trees | Outdoor Garden Plants | Strawberry Plants

Bamboo Plants

We have a great range of bamboo plants including our bamboo fargesia rufa plant which come ready for you in pots! These small thin leaves form a neat uniformed hedge, which is straightforward to maintain, you won't even need to trim it, sounds great to us! This would look gorgeous in any garden or as a nice addition to a patio.

Artificial Bamboo Tree

If you're new to gardening, then artificial plants can be a good way to start. Our artificial bamboo tree allows you to have the realistic look of a real bamboo tree, but doesn't require you to do any maintenance work. One benefit is that your plant will never die or outgrow its pot, so you'll never have to worry about re-potting and planting it again! They are also a good option as they can be placed anywhere, and obviously require no water.

Umbrella Bamboo Plant

Get yourself something a little different for the garden with our umbrella bamboo Asian wonder plant! This lovely plant will produce some deep ruby red stems and some beautiful green leaves, a perfect plant for anytime of year. The umbrella bamboo plant is also a good option for those of you that are new to gardening as they're very easy to grow. They will grow quite tall too, so if you're looking for privacy, this is the plant for you!

How To Plant Bamboo

If you're wondering how to plant bamboo, then we're here to guide you through it! First, you need to dig a hole in the garden where you want to plant your bamboo. The hole should be about double the size of the roots. Then place the bamboo into the hole. Mix soil and compost together and fill in the hole, and make sure to water it, and you're all done! The best time to plant your bamboo is in the springtime between March and June.

Where Is The Best Place To Plant Bamboo?

Whilst you're completely free to choose where you want to plant your bamboo plant, a sunny, but shaded spot is a good place if you're asking us! They thrive best in the sun and in moist soil, but can tolerate any other type of soil too. However, bamboo plants do not do well in really damp soil or extremely dry soil, so make sure you check your soil is in the right condition for them before you plant it.

How Quickly Does Bamboo Grow

So, bamboo is actually the fastest growing plant on the planet! You can expect your bamboo plant or tree to reach its full height in less than a year through several rapid spikes of growth! To be really specific, it can grow an impressive 1.5 inches per hour! So, you'll soon be able to use it as a privacy screen between yours and other gardens.

Should I Plant Bamboo For Privacy

Yes! Bamboo is a great plant to have in the garden for hedging and privacy. Bamboo plants and trees grow quite tall, plus they grow outwards so will offer you plenty of space for privacy! Also, you know from above that it grows incredibly fast, so the sooner you get your bamboo plant growing the quicker you can enjoy your new garden structure.