5 Summer Garden Ideas

Let’s talk birds and the bees – summer is here! We’re due to exit hibernation from the beloved winter, so let’s get ready to soak up those few rays of sun before it disappears again! Upgrading your garden can feel like hassle, especially with the sun teasing us, but there are dozens of ideas that you can brainstorm before replacing any sad furniture! No matter how extravagant you want your garden to be, just remember you have neighbours – they can get jealous! We’ve dug up some ideas ready for you to plant.

We love the makeshift picnic blanket and kitchen stools, but maybe treat yourself to a chair or two this year? For a country with sparse sun, it doesn’t always make sense to decorate, but you should enjoy the little things in life! Even if you’re only basking in the weather for a few hours, you could get comfortable and avoid getting an accidental football to the head – hopefully…. In this economy, don’t forget your garden is included in the rent so you may as well throw in a chair, get your moneys worth and catch a tan at the least! The days of rolling over on your living room blanket to face an ant are finished! Sharing a few crumbs with the insects is humanitarian enough, but we must draw the line at moving over to sacrifice the spot – you deserve your own seat! Take your pick of the options and treat yourself!

If you feel like your selection of picky bits could be transformed for summer, you’re exactly where you need to be. Preparing a snack table for the group only to discover the flies munching your cheese spread feels like a crime against humanity. Sometimes the only solution is just to keep it simple. Nearly everything can be barbecued these days, and you deserve a summer off from hell’s kitchen! Get ready to start telling people to check on their own food as you sit far away from the barbecue, indulging in your own lunch menu! This time, the apron will not have your name on it. Choose your summer saviour…

The sunshine might play with your feelings, but adding some fun is the real cheat code! If you don’t understand the hype around bird watching yet (you should), you might want to try throwing a ball or squirting a water gun first! Lazing around in the sun is a treat, but it can be great to challenge the neighbour to a game of badminton across the fence occasionally – you might even win yourself a snack from their barbecue! Don’t let the weather trick you into a nap so fast, there’s plenty of street tournaments and fair games to be had – just don’t be the sore loser! Pick the garden games wisely and make sure you come out on top!

There’s no better feeling than finally being able to frolic in your garden! We’re sure that walking barefoot on the blades of grass is the epitome of summer – unless it’s crunchy… But you know what they say – the grass is always greener on the other side. Which will be true if you keep peeking at your neighbours’ lot while neglecting your own! Take care of your garden so you can avoid getting scratched by crispy grass when trying to roll around. There’ll be no need for green envy if your garden can naturally pass as astroturf! Get stuck in and be the ultimate gardener!

As much as we love the sunshine, it only graces us for so long each day – sometimes it’s even stingy. But there’s nothing like watching the sun go down on a summer evening! While it may be getting cooler, it’s the perfect recipe to make you feel like the main character! That’s the part where you wish fireflies would come and lift you up into the sky, but all those animations lied to us, so the best we’ve got are cute lamps! Whether it’s a fairy light or solar-powered flame, we’re hoping it’s enough to cling onto the night before you must choose between sleeping with the snails or heading inside. We’ve shed light on some deals below for you to choose from!