The Software You Need On Your Devices

Make sure you're up to speed and protected on your devices with our handy guide with all the software you need!


AVG is an antivirus software. It features most of the common functions available in modern antivirus and Internet security programs, including periodic scans, scans of sent and received emails, the ability to repair some virus-infected files, and a quarantine area in which infected files are held. This software is essential to help you protect yourself against potential cyber crime on your personal devices. It is available for Windows, MacOS and Android operating system devices.

Norton 360

Norton 360 is an all rounder security programme that helps to prevent security threats on your devices. It monitors applications for malicious behaviour, taking action as needed against potential cyber threats. Norton 360 provides features such as a secure VPN, PC SafeCam, and Dark Web Monitoring. It also provides more online storage for PC backups and files.

Microsoft Office

If you're a student or regularly use Microsoft Office programmes for work and business, Microsoft Office across your devices is essential. It holds common editing and communication applications such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook and more. With access to this software across your devices, you can edit your work even on the go - documents will sync across devices where you use the applications. It is available for PCs running the Windows and macOS operating systems, as well as via mobile apps for Android and iOS.


If you've ever used Photoshop or Acrobat Reader, you know Adobe. Adobe Photoshop is ideal for those working with creative content such as graphics, photography, illustration, print and more. Adobe Acrobat Reader helps users to prepare documents and create virtual signatures to ensure ease of use for all involved parties. Both applications under Adobe are available on PC as well as mobile devices with iOS/Android operating systems, and are essential for people working with creative content and PDFs on a regular basis.