Microblading Treatments & Discounts

Find microblading sessions nearby with a selection of offers and deals for treatments, consultations or courses to learn more.


If you want to shape your eyebrows but haven't got the time to regularly draw them on each morning, microblading may well be the answer for you. If you're not familiar with microblading, we've compiled the answers to some common questions below and have a range of offers for discounts on treatment sessions, clinics nearby and courses to learn more about it.

What Is Microblading?

Microblading is a form of semi-permanent makeup which involves using tiny, fine-point needles and small amounts of pigment to add eyebrow strokes manually to fill in thin areas. It is not the same as eyebrow tattooing as is it is a permanent procedure rather than a permanent one.

How Long Does Microblading Last?

Typically the results of a microblading treatment last between 18 and 30 months. It's possible you'll notice the pigment fade over this time so touch-ups may be necessary every six months to a year, depending on your preference.

Does Microblading Hurt?

Most people who have the treatment say microblading is not painful although the sensation can cause some people mild discomfort. Part of the process is numbing your eyebrows with an ointment to help prevent you feeling the needle being used and, while treatments can take up to two hours, you likely won't be under the needle for at least half of your appointment.