Manchester Fairs & Shows

For days out with a difference we've got a wonderful selection of fairs and shows for you to try out in Manchester city. From wedding fairs to good food festivals, art and craft exhibitions to events inspired by the best TV shows, we've got countless Manchester events that will get you out and about and enjoying new experiences!

Whether you are into hobby crafts, sewing and fabrics or cooking, healthy food and eating, we've got fairs and shows in Greater Manchester to suit your likes, dislikes and lifestyle. Head to the Manchester arena, Event City or the Northern Quarter for one of our live shows, trade fairs, wedding fairs or craft fairs and enjoy a fun-filled day out. You could find yourself trying fabulously good food, feeding your arts and craft hobbies, getting wedding inspiration or learning about the latest fashion trends, you'll find Manchester united under one roof for these exciting events.

So if you're searching for events near you, we've got all the best Manchester fairs near you to try out, and Wowcher vouchers are always best in show...

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