Best Garden Games for 2024

The sun is starting to make an appearance, which means that you should be gearing up for some summer fun in the garden! Keep your little ones (and big kids, alike) entertained throughout the summer months with a selection of our best garden games for 2024.

Take a swing at a winning streak this summer with one of the most timeless games - tennis! It's easy to get sucked into the game, but just don't make a racket when you lose – you must be prepared for that scenario unfortunately. On a good day, look forward to tallying your points and beating your family while sealing their fate – emptying the paddling pool! You're no Serena Williams, but it's good to have a victory dance in your pocket just in case! Results aside, it's the perfect game to create memories in the sunshine no matter who does lose!

In the chaos of a summer garden, rounders emerges as the undisputed champion of fun-filled antics! With bats and balls in hand, we're not just playing a game; we're running the show - quite literally. Once the team shouting and subtle cartwheels are out of the way, you can bat your way into victory but not before sprinting for your life first! And let's not forget the strategic fabulousness of accidentally hitting the ball into the neighbours garden-we're certain that'll put you miles ahead. Rounders is the ultimate summer pastime that can make a family – or break it depending on who the sore losers are!

These days we only care about moving up in the world – or in this case the board! There's nothing more tense than a game of Snakes and Ladders, especially when it's in giant form. Rolling those dice, hoping that your previous sportsmanship is enough good karma for a win-should you end up sliding down that snake, just know that the scales can always balance out again! Challenge your family and friends to a game of pure rollercoasters and fun - it's possible that you might not speak at dinnertime. The twists and turns are surely worth the pressure and heated debates unless you don't take to losing well!

In the summer garden, volleyball reigns supreme as the ultimate blend of hands-on hilarity and excitement. With the washing line as your net and the birds as your audience, it's the perfect setup for your summer tournament to go down in history! As teamwork makes the dreamwork, we hope for your sake that nobody woke up on the wrong side of the bed either. Channel all your passion into scoring unforgettable points and try to do it without catching your innocent neighbour in the head too!

5. Giant Noughts and Crosses

The bigger the pieces, the easier it should be to see your winning strategy when it comes to noughts and crosses! With high stakes, a handful of moves, and all eyes on you, this game is a must-have for friendly competition. This summer, you can't get away with hiding any pieces either-they're too big to be subtle! For the best matches, play to your skills instead of trying to cross your opponent - you'll get board of trying to play sneaky! Hopefully with bigger pieces, you'll get bigger prizes...make sure to share with us too if you do win!

What sounds better than grass-stained knees and showing off your dribbling skills-with the football we mean! Complete your family summer with this classic game and maybe bag yourself man of the match, or garden. You'll get to finally trade in those two t-shirt balls as goal posts for a proper setup with less cheating- we know you made the goal smaller last year! It doesn't matter if you just figured out how to aim away from the window, a game of football offers a ton of excitement. You don't have to tell people you were injured before you went pro either! We're sure you'll get a kick out of this!